Category Archives: Seoul

Harsh Winter Light

Winter in Seoul has some really nice low strong sun light when the sun is out. I found a couple of spots in Myeondong where the light was interesting and I all I had to do was wait.


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Filed under Seoul, Seoul

Pinhole on the road again

I took my wide angle pinhole Sharan on the road again. I used some Fuji Superia 200 and visited different places in Seoul. I guessed the exposure times and overexposed a number of the shots resulting in some color shifts. The photos that had too much of a color shift to fix I turned into black and white shots as you can see when you  scroll down.



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This was probably my favourite photo of the roll. If you look at the path you can see the movement of the various hikers moving from right to left, especially the one person in a purple jacket.




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These photos really work much better than the original color version.




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The white ghost like figure is a person in a bunny suit. The pinhole is so wide it even captured our shoes.




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Filed under pinhole sharan wide, Seoul

An old Russian Camera and a autumn weekend in Seoul

I’ve had the Lubitel for about 6 years now and I think I’ve shot a total of 6 rolls through it. That’s a pretty poor average. I just never really got the hang of it. It is missing some small pieces in the back leading to some lightleaks. I tape it up pretty well before shooting with it but even then light still manages to sneak in. But the whole photographic process is so different with a TLR that it still is kinda fun when using it. The exposures come out pretty well even though I don’t have a lightmeter and just guess most of the exposures.


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So I threw in some Lomo 100 film in the Lubitel and took it out into Seoul for some photos. Surprisingly the Lomo roll was the cheapest roll of film I was able to find on the website I normally buy my film from. I am pretty sure that is not the normal Lomo pricing strategy.

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Huge Buddha statue looking out over Coex Mall.




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This statue made this this great recorded chant. It gave me an ephemeral feeling.




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As in most photos you can see the lightleak in the top right of the photo.




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I always like the aesthetic from the square framing that a TLR produces. Using a small magnifying glass in the viewfinder makes focussing a lot easier.

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Filed under Camera Gear Overview, Roll of Film Review, Seoul

Weekend in Gunsan.

A couple of months ago we went for a weekend trip to Gunsan. Interesting small town. I liked the area near the water the best.








































































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Filed under Seoul

No lens, just a hole

I took my Sharan pinhole wide camera out for some photos around Seoul. I thought I had cleaned up the frame from unnecessary tape, but the photos showed I didn’t. The tape was there to make sure the camera was lightproof which it very much was this time. No sneaky light shining on my film.


First up are some exposures at night. I think the exposure was around a minute or so. I should have written it down. But like I said before, negative film is pretty forgiving so night shots regularly turn up nicely for me.


The subject is Namdaemun, the famous ancient south gate of Seoul. Burned a couple of years ago, but now nicely restored.


The rest of the photos were taken all over Seoul. Usually with an exposure time of around 4/5 seconds. I cropped out the sprockets to give you a feeling that this camera really gives you a wide perspective.














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Filed under pinhole sharan wide, Seoul